Friends of The Fox Inn Update 5th June 23
Hi everyone,
Since our much loved 17th century public house closed it’s doors last year, the local community has come together in efforts to buy The Fox as a community pub.
We continue to be working hard on the plans to reopen The Fox Inn and hope you can join us on Thursday 15th June, 7pm at Ryton Village Hall for a pint and an update. We need your input on the latest plans so please do come along.
As you know our vision is to create a thriving community hub which will provide a welcoming space for families, community groups, local businesses through great service, food and drink. We wish to provide additional services such as a community meeting place, cafe and a shop with local produce as well as offering other community-based services. This links in with our determination to make the pub a great place to socialise, bring people together and help reduce social isolation and improve health & wellbeing in the surrounding communities.
With all this in mind we have been working on the future operating model and ensuring there is a viable business plan in place. A valuation of The Fox and assessment of renovation cost has been conducted. We have been working closely with The Plunkett Foundation, which is a charitable organisation which assists rural communities to create and run community-based businesses. We have been working on applications for community grants
We will be raising funds from the local community via a share offering – giving you the chance to buy shares in your very own community pub. Soon, we will be asking you to pledge your support ie: the number of shares you would consider buying – more to come on this at the public meeting, our Friends of The Fox Inn Ryton Facebook page and website
As one local resident says, "a village pub offers a welcoming, social space which is much needed in our rural community. This is why I will be buying a share in our Community Pub."
Please come and support us as we informally update the community at Ryton Village Hall on Thursday 15th June 2023 at 7pm. There is a cash bar and a chance to socialise.
Find out more on our website and Follow us on Facebook: Friends of The Fox Inn Ryton.
The Steering Group committee