One month ago we set the ambitious target of securing £200,000 of pledges to strengthen our bid for the Government Grant - our last chance. The support has been incredible: pledges to buy shares, donate time & materials, donations on our GoFundMe page, and attendance at the fundraising events. We are so grateful to you and delighted to share:
The pledge total is £214,000!
Today we submitted our application for the Government Grant (Communities Ownership Fund), showcasing your amazing support in our business plan. We should hear by June, so please keep your fingers crossed. Check out our website and Facebook page for David Oliver's video thanking you all.
Please come along to Ryton Village Hall on Saturday 13th April at 10:30am so we can say thank you - complimentary sausage sarnies, cakes, tea & coffee will be on hand. We want to do a big group photo by the 'Pintometer'
And our next fundraiser is the Quiz on 27th April - book your table with Chrissie:
Thank you and Happy Easter!
Friends of the Fox Team